Weston's High School graduation was on Mother's Day! I made a layout (collage) with only the photos I took. I thought I would let all the photos do the talking on this page! And who could be more proud of a graduate than his parents!! His dad and step-mom are in the top right photo and his step-father and I in the one below that. Weston, as Senior Class President, led the pledge to the flag and made the presentation of the class gift to the school (middle left photo). The bottom pic shows the entire class seated in the gymnasium. I put a dark circle around his head in the front row (far right).
You know, once upon a time, when he was in Jr. High and getting ready to go to high school he said he would never be able to live up to the legacy that both of his sisters left behind. They got good grades, were popular, etc. I told him then that he would find a way to leave his own legacy and to quit trying to "live up to" his sisters. Well, I am proud to report that he did leave his own mark on the school. I have 3 wonderful children that each did well in school and ALL 3 will be studying college courses this fall. Jennifer is studying to get her Bachelor's Degree (yeay Jen for not giving up on your education, you are an inspiration). Traci is continuing her education to get her Master's Degree and now Weston will be starting college!!! WOW!
And now for a freebie! I am working on a new kit and here is a Quick Page I made from it. I wanted to make it look like a baby blanket. I made this specifically with an ultrasound picture in mind. If you would like it you can find it HERE!